With the motive that we too owe something to society, the Mission of Eye-donation was started on the occasion of the Birthday of Hon’ble Yashwantrao Gadakh on 12th May 2010 in the presence of Saint Bhaskargiri Maharaj at the holy place Deogadh. On the very day 9000 rural folk from common families as well as from all strata of society filled in the resolution forms and made it a historical event. At present, 28,000 people have filled and submitted the resolution forms with the Pratishtan. 220 people have donated their eyes thereby benefitting directly 440 blinds.
Eye donation mementos have been presented to the family members of the eye donors in order to honor them for the social work. All the members of the Pratishtan experienced the fact that people from different communities and religions voluntarily communicated their wish for eye donation. Today the activists of the Pratishtan create awareness among the people by visiting villages after villages. The activists of the Pratishtan have been partially successful in imbibing the culture : ‘ Eye donation is the sublime donation’. Instead of burying or cremating, if the dead body can help to kindle the light in the life of blinds, then the act would turn out to be the supreme service to humanity.
This activity has been widely acknowledged on the international level. The Limca Book of World Record took notice of an act of registering the resolution forms in such massive numbers. Shildhi Pratishtan, Shirdi honored the President of Yashwant Pratishtan; Prashant Gadakh by offering the epistle of honor. As an outcome of this mission, Association of Business Communicator took cognizance of the work of eye donation of the Pratishtan and conferred the national level award on Prashant Patil Gadakh, President of Yashawant Samajik Pratishtan at the hands of noted European industrialist; Malezin Belt. The award is given for the social work by the Association which comprises of 450 members of different companies like Birla, Goderej, Reliance, TaTa etc. Many industrialists from America, Europe, Australia along with India were present at the time of the award ceremony. President Prashant Gadakh expressed on the occasion that every activist of the Pratishtan would work for it till the last breath.