Ahmednagar District’s share in the cooperative movement is large one. There is a great web of the cooperative institutes like cooperative factories, cooperative water distribution societies, cooperative societies etc. The beginner of educational movement, lover of trees and philanthropist for the downtrodden people; Hon’ble Yashwantraoji Gadakh Saheb deserves the following words:
“The small vine planted at the door. The vine scored the sky. Mogra bloomed, Mogra bloomed.”
The president of Mula Education Society; Hon’ble Prashantbhau Gadakh is committed to take care of the society. He established Yashwant Samajik Pratishtan and shouldered the responsibility of educating the poor but studious students of the community by providing the financial assistance and approved the girl’s adoption for educational parentage. Girls from the common families are deprived of education due to economical and social reasons. The Pratishtan made attempts to locate such girls who have strong urge for learning from the villages in the vicinity and adopted 52 girls for their completing their education. At present the girls are learning with self respect and content and being the part of the bright future of the country.